Healthy eating week 2024...This week students have taken part in tasting days and activities related to healthy lifestyles, based on a series of daily themes. As teenage years are such an important time for growth and development, a healthy, varied diet is essential to ensure that we receive all the energy and nutrients needed to concentrate well at school and take part in sports and activities.
We are encouraging everyone, including staff, to ‘Give it a go’ this Healthy Eating Week....and beyond. Whether that's having one extra portion of fruit or vegetables a day, being a bit more active, experimenting with a new recipe, or using up leftovers - Healthy Eating Week 2024 is all about giving it a go! Wellbeing classes provided information and resources for students around the following themes:
Get at least 5 A DAY
Stay hydrated
Move more
Focus on fibre
Reduce food waste
We have had a great week.
Remember, healthy food improves your mood!!!!