August 2024
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
The school year 2024-25 is nearly upon us and I wish to take this opportunity to extend a very warm welcome back to all our students and a special welcome to our new incoming 1st Year Students and those of you who have enrolled with us for the first time. We are delighted to welcome your sons & daughters to Coláiste Muire Máthair Galway.
I and all the staff are looking forward to getting to know our new students and you their parent(s)/guardian(s).
School Day in CMMG:
All classes are one-hour long and commence at 8.45am every morning.
Monday – Thursday: 8.45am – 3.45pm
Friday: 8.45am – 1.00pm
Morning Break: 9:45am – 10:00am for 1st & 2nd Year Students
10.45am – 11.00am for all others.
Lunch (Mon-Thurs): 1:00pm - 1:40pm for all Year Group
1st Year & 2nd Year Students MUST remain on the School Campus during small break and during lunchtime.
To ensure a smooth transition into secondary school, and to keep their school life as harmonious as possible, we recommend the following for all our students and their parents/guardians:
Attendance/Absences: Attend school every day and be on time. Let the school know if and when they will be absent and why via Compass. All absences must be accounted for by parents/guardians via the School Communication App – COMPASS School Manager (see below)
Be Prepared for Class -Have all required books, copies and equipment ready for each class. Their subject teachers will let them know what they will need to bring each day.
School Uniform:Wear the correct full uniform at all times.
- Black crested jumper with purple stripe
- White shirt/blouse
- Black trousers
- Purple tartan skirt
- Black purple and white striped tie
- School jacket or plain black jacket
- Black shoes or black runners
- School crested jacket
- New quarter zip crested top
Students can wear this top over their jumper in Winter as an extra layer or on its own. The school shirt and tie must still be worn.
This top is available from our uniform suppliers. Anthony Ryans Galway and the National Schoolwear Centre, Liosbawn, Tuam Rd.

School Jackets: Only the school jacket or a plain black jacket can be worn in class or on the corridors during the school day. Students who choose not to wear either of the above must put their non-uniform jacket into their lockers in the morning.
PE Uniform:Students are requested to wear either a navy or black tracksuit bottoms and white t-shirt for their PE class. Leggings arenotpermitted.
Leaving Cert Students ONLY: are permitted to continue to wear their previous school uniform- SMC/OLCG. If your son/daughter needs to replace any item of uniform, they will have to purchase the new CMMG uniform.
Application to Work: Students are encouraged to always try their best and to challenge themselves to achieve their best results. Students are expected to complete all homework/assignments to the best of their ability.
Behaviour:Students are expected to behave with courtesy and respect towards every member of staff, fellow students, and visitors at all times. They in turn can expect to experience the same level of respect and courtesy from all personnel.
School Communications APP:
Please download the COMPASS App from the Google Store or from the Apple Store for free.
All new students will receive their own log-in details. All parents/guardians will receive their own log-in details. This is essential for ALL Students and for ALL Parents/Guardians as all school communications will be delivered via COMPASS or on the school website: www.cmmg.ie
Use of Mobile Phones in CMMG:
Here in CMMG we acknowledge that mobile phones are now an integral part of young people's culture and way of life and can enhance teaching and learning when used appropriately. However, we are equally aware that phones can be a distraction, can hinder communication and socialisation and can add to anxiety and stress levels among our student body.
In consultation with our school partners in 2023 a decision was made to introduce the Yondr Pouch. This will mean that Coláiste Muire Máthair will be a mobile/smartphone-free zone during the school day.
Yondr Pouches
- During Period 1, students will be asked to place their phone in the Yondr Pouch and to magnetically seal their phone into the pouch. The phone will remain in the Yondr Pouch until 15.40 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays until 13:00
- Should a teacher require students to access their phone during a lesson they will unlock the phones from their pouches and at the end of class students will return the phone to the pouch and seal it.
- The sanction for not having the mobile/ smartphone in the Yondr Pouch during the school day is phone to be retained in the Principal’s Office until the end of the school day. Repeat offenders will have to have a parent collect their phone from the Principal’s Office at the end of the school day. The Code of Behaviour will be invoked for students in breach of this new school rule.
- If a student needs to leave school early, their parent/guardian must collect them and a member of staff may release their phone from the Yondr Pouch.
We look forward to meeting all parents /guardians in the coming weeks and months and are excited by the opportunities for your involvement in our school.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any worries or concerns in relation to your son/daughter.
Kind regards
Betty Hernon