This year we are hoping to become part of the Schools of Sanctuary initiative
“The Schools of Sanctuary is an initiative to celebrate the good practice of schools that welcome asylum seeking and refugee families into their school community and foster a culture of welcome and inclusion for all. Schools of Sanctuary offers a way to engage sanctuary seekers and families with their local communities and educate children and teachers about the human right to sanctuary. The aim is to create a safe environment that includes everybody in a school, regardless of people’s background, ethnicity, faith or gender.
CMMG is committed to be a safe and welcoming space for all. It is a school demonstrating a whole-school approach to support and understand those who may be seeking sanctuary. A School of Sanctuary is a school helping its students, staff and wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community. It is a school that is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all. In order to be awarded School of Sanctuary status we must present a portfolio of activities / events that we do during the year.”
Home - Schools of Sanctuary Ireland (
There are 3 principles to the School of Sanctuary.
- We have to Learn what it means to be seeking sanctuary.
- We have to take Action to show our support for sanctuary seekers and newcomers in our school
- We have to Share our learning and action with our wider community and network.
- Election of Student Council
Spoke with all year groups and emphasised the importance of having a varied group of students to represent all communities within the school including migrant, ethnic minorities, Sonas students…

Click link for photos
M. Geoghegan / L.O’Shaughnessy
- International Peace Day (19th September)
C.S.P.E. classes held discussions on the what is occurring in the world at the moment: Ukraine and Gaza situation in particular were discussed as many students are not aware of why there is war and what is actually happening.
M. Geoghegan / A. Sammon
Students participated in the annual See Change Green Ribbon Campaign, distributing ribbons to raise awareness about mental health issues and combat stigma associated with them.
Ms. J Dockery
- European Languages Day (26th September)
MFL Dept. organised a full Quiz with all years. Questions incorporating 26 different languages / cultures. Students were mixed in groups of 3.

Click link for photos
M. Lee / L.O’Donnell-Desmond / D. Kane / R. Donnellan / M. Geoghegan
- Culture Survey of 1st Years
All 1st Years surveyed to find out cultures they identify with / how long they have been in Ireland / how they are mixing in school.
M. Geoghegan / B. Gallagher
- Anti-racism Policy & Student Council Policy
This was ratified by the staff in May and ratified by the B.O.M. this month.
M. Geoghegan / All staff
- Big Brother Big Sister Programme
Students from TY have undergone training and have begun helping 1st Yrs settle in. Each 1st year class met their Big Brothers and Big Sisters from TY who are going to mentor them for the year to help bridge the gap of the transition from Primary school to Secondary school. The TYs will be working on their communication, organisation, leadership and time management, while supporting the new 1st years in getting around the school, managing to follow their timetable, advising them on how to manage their lockers, etc.

S. Phillips / J. O’Connor / T. Spellman
- Jigsaw Coffee Morning “Cake and Conversations”
Fundraiser for Jigsaw organised by 5th Yr. students.

Click link for photos
B. Ryan
- National Bullying Prevention Month
As October marks National Bullying Awareness Month, it is imperative that teachers collectively strive to foster a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
SPHE teachers asked to dedicate units of learning to the crucial topic of anti-bullying.
J. Dockery + Wellbeing Team
- Creative Art Competition (Wear Red Day / SoSI /FAI)
Students in all years have been encouraged to participate in the Art Competition. This art competition aims to educate and highlight the issues surrounding racism.
Link to Information
A. Sammon / M. Geoghegan
- Under our Sky
Under the guidance of the English Dept. students of all levels are encouraged to write, the theme being “Under our Sky”. These can be essays or short stories.
A. Whelehan +
English Dept.